
Holy Family offers dozens of ministries to help you encounter Jesus, to live the faith, and to serve those in need.

Are you ready to commit? Sign up here.


Hospitality Ministries

Called to Care

The hospitality ministry is a group comprised of teams who help with parish receptions, plan meals and cook for youth events, and assist with dinners and social events in the parish and other get-togethers.

Contact: Maureen Petty, 918-671-2538,

Food and Fellowship, a Called to Care team

Parishioners gather for conversation and fellowship over coffee and light breakfast following the 8 a.m. and 10 a.m. Masses. Volunteers will be scheduled to help with setup, service, and/or cleanup. This ministry is a wonderful opportunity to meet other parishioners.

Contact: Iris Fain, 918-949-0849,

Meal Train, a Called to Care team

This team is called upon to make meals for parishioners as they deal with major life events including birth, sickness and death. Anyone in need of this ministry can contact the Parish Office and then information will be passed along to the volunteers.

Contact: Meghan Grayless, 918-407-6792,

Prayer Ministries

Adoration at Holy Family

Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament 
is offered at Holy Family Cathedral on Friday afternoons from 12:35 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. During this time, the faithful are welcome to come and go as they please, but we need at least two people committed to each hour to spend
with our Lord. In addition to Friday afternoons, we also offer adoration opportunities through the adoration program at St. John Medical Center. Please consider committing to a regular hour with Jesus.

Contact: Maureen Petty, 918-671-2538,

Bethany Intercessors

This ministry offers the opportunity
to share your time and prayers as an intercessor for the parish. Become
a part of our parish prayer line to
pray for the needs of parishioners, family, friends, leaders, and our world. The intercessors respond to prayer requests as they arise. This ministry
is carried on via the internet. While there are no meetings, members will receive a monthly newsletter and an invitation to our annual retreat at the Cathedral.

Contact: Cherie Hughes, 918-587-3160,

Formation Ministries

Bible Study

Deacon Paul Louderback leads a group of parishioners in an ongoing study of the Bible each Thursday at 6:30 p.m. This group is open to all parishioners who desire to grow in their understanding of sacred scripture while enjoying the company and hospitality of fellow parishioners.

Contact: Dcn. Paul Louderback,

Boulder Catholics (Young Adults)

Young adults of the parish gather together for regular activities including service, social and spiritual opportunities.

Contact: Fr. Joshua Votruba, 918-582-6247,

Cathedral Families

Cathedral Families is a ministry for all married couples and families to grow in fellowship, faith, and evangelization. We meet for casual, large-group gatherings that foster community within the parish family. For deeper friendships, intentional growth as disciples, and encouragement in our daily faith walks, we meet in small groups for men and women. Additionally, the Cathedral Families ministry fosters opportunities to integrate with the enlivening activities of our parish, such as Wednesdays at the Cathedral, Confraternity of Christian Mothers, and Men’s Holy Hour.

Contact: Will and Becca LePage, 918-284-9669,

Marriage Mentors

Married couples who are excited to share the love and joys of marriage, yet are vulnerable enough to be open about trials and tribulations may be called to serve as Marriage Mentors. Marriage Mentors meet with engaged parishioners preparing for marriage at least five times prior to their wedding. Mentors help the couples come to a deeper appreciation of God, of themselves, and of their fiancé by topic-driven conversations. Mentors must be married for 10 years or more.

Contact: Deacon Thomas, 918-582-6247,

Knights of Columbus, a Men’s Ministry

Membership is open to all practicing Catholic men. This group supports quarterly blood drives with American Red Cross, as well as other projects throughout the year. If you or someone you know would like to join our brotherhood in service to his community, parish and church, please contact us.

Contact: Michael Caturegli, 918-232-8341,

Men’s Holy Hour, a Men’s Ministry

Holy Family’s men are invited to join Fr. Joshua for Holy Hour on the second Tuesday of each month at 7:30 p.m. followed by a social hour at 8:30 p.m. The group is open to all parish men and is dedicated to spiritual enrichment and fellowship.

Contact: Deacon Thomas, 918-582-6247,

Confraternity of Christian Mothers, a Women’s Ministry

The Confraternity of Christian Mothers was founded in France over 150
years ago by lay women who sought
to bring down blessings upon their families in the midst of an increasingly secularized culture. Members gather once a month to go to adoration/ confession/Mass, receive instruction and encouragement in their vocations as wives and mothers, share a meal together, and pray for each other and their families. They chose Mary, Mother of Sorrows, as their patroness.

Contact: Deanna Hodgson, 918-619-2781,

HFC Women’s Club, a Women’s Ministry

Our Women’s Club is open to all
female parishioners of Holy Family.
Our mission is to promote spiritual and social fellowship, as well as Catholic education to the women attending Holy Family Cathedral, Tulsa; to lend support to the Rector, parish, diocese and the community; and to assist whenever needed at the Cathedral.

Contact: Ann Owen, 918-633-1489,

Walking with Purpose, a Women’s Ministry

Bible Study
Walking with Purpose is more than
a women’s Bible study. It is an intergenerational faith community that supports, encourages, and challenges one another. It is a
safe place where you will discover authentic friendships and meaningful discussions as your heart is transformed by the Word of God.

Contact: Julie Chalabi, 816-536-6212,

Service Ministries

Bereavement, a Community Service Ministry

This ministry is dedicated to helping families move through the mourning and funeral process. Members provide refreshments (as requested) and logistics, and follow up with families in need of personal connection. They also host open forum discussions dealing with the grieving process.

Contact: Linda Reimers, 210-818-8816,

Faith In Action Team (FIAT), a Community Service Ministry

An acronym for the Faith in Action Team, the FIAT ministry gives parishioners an opportunity to do hands-on service projects. Parishioners of all ages help with various projects.

Contact: Tim Bart, 918-327-1855,

Holy Family Classical School Volunteers

Can you offer your time and talent
to assist with office tasks, projects,
or other roles around the school? Volunteers and their preferred projects can be added to a list to call as needed or put on a regular schedule.

Contact: Burnadette Anderson, 918-582-0422,

HFC Office Volunteer

Office receptionists volunteer for three-hour shifts one day a week. Volunteers answer the phone, help with office mailing, greet visitors, and assist with other administrative duties at the Parish and School Office.

Contact: Jennifer Merle, 918-582-6247,

Holy Stitchers

This group supports the baptismal garment ministry at the parish, creating garments for all little ones baptized at the parish. Additionally, a select few work on clerical alterations as needed.

Contact: Kaye Ellis, 918-521-7842,

Home Improvement Ministry, a Community Service Ministry

This ministry organizes parish workdays in support of parishioners who are in need of assistance with minor home repair due to age, mobility, finances, or other disabilities. This group also coordinates service days on the Holy Family Cathedral campus.

Contact: Jim Phelan, 417-254-3389,

Hour of Mercy, a Community Service Ministry

A group of volunteers meet after praying the Divine Mercy Chaplet
on Friday afternoons at 3 p.m. to distribute supplies to our neighbors in need. This group also meets after 8 a.m. Mass to gather and distribute supplies.

Contact: Dcn. Paul Louderback, 918-851-0762,

Mary Anne Ministry, a Community Service Ministry

This ministry seeks to be a support system to those parishioners who are homebound or otherwise isolated due to age, illness, or other circumstances. Volunteers provide encouragement and kinship through friendly visits, phone calls, letters, or aid in connecting with other parish ministries that can assist in various ways.

Contact: Laurie O’Driscoll,

Offertory Counters

Teams of four to five volunteers gather each Monday morning to count the weekly collection. Each team participates in a monthly rotation.

Contact: Mary Keaney, 918-582-6247,

Temporary Emergency Assistance Ministry (TEAM)

Please consider joining our team of dedicated volunteers and help allocate the resources graciously provided by the Holy Family parish Community. The average time commitment is only one hour a week.

Contact: Doug Pepper, 918-582-6247,

Mass Ministries

Cathedral Choir

Parishioners share their musical gifts and talents by leading the assembly to proclaim the praise of God in song and instrument.

Contact: Ernest Neal, 918-582-6247,


Hospitality ministers create a hospitable environment before Mass by welcoming people with a smile as they enter the church, helping people find seating, taking up the offertory collection, and distributing bulletins. This is a wonderful ministry opportunity for families to join and encourage hospitality from all ages of the

Contact: Helen Maxey, 918-804-9864,


Parishioners are trained to proclaim the Word of God during Mass.

Contact: Everett Buyarski,


Sacristans are trained to ensure that all liturgical ministers are present and that the altar is properly arranged prior to and following Mass.

Contact: Dave Iski, 918-814-3300,

Saint Cecilia Children’s Choir

Parish children fill the cathedral with music written by Christendom’s greatest composers. Under the direction of Ernest Neal, children between the ages of seven and seventeen offer their vocal gifts to God on special occasions at the 10 a.m. Sunday Mass.

Contact: Ernest Neal, 918-582-6247,


Children and adults who have received their First Communion and are trained to assist with the celebration of the liturgy.

Contact: Deacon Jon Conro, 918-582-6247,

Parish Leadership

Building Committee

The Building Committee seeks parishioners with experience in buildings and ground maintenance
to volunteer for general upkeep and repairs around the church, offices and rectory. The committee is also looking for parishioners with experience in assessing property needs, analyzing bids, and project oversight.

Contact: Fr. Brian O’Brien, 918-582-6247,

Stewardship Council

The Stewardship Council assists the Rector by deliberating and acting on matters pertaining to the spiritual and educational affairs of the parish. This council invites you to share your gifts as a steward of God’s Church and to be a role model to parishioners on how to live our lives as Christ taught us, as His disciples. Together with other parishioners, we work on concrete ways to make our parish a true community of faith and a vibrant source of service to the larger local community.

Contact: Helen Maxey, 918-804-9864,

Parish Offerings

As we address the findings from 
the 2023 Parish Plan, we continue 
to look for opportunities to meet
 our parishioners needs. We have rearranged the catalogue of ministries to help each person find a way to make stewardship a way of life at the Cathedral. All ministries are open
— joining is not necessary to attend ministry specific events.

The following “Parish Offerings” are not connected to a specific ministry, but are special events and activities to attend. Please check the parish bulletin or website for the most up-to-date information on the following events, and join us!


All are invited for adoration on Fridays from 12:45 p.m – 5 p.m. and Saturdays (with the exception of holidays) from 3:30 p.m. to 4:45 p.m.

Becoming Catholic

Holy Family Cathedral’s program for the Order of Christian Initiation of Adults (OCIA) is Becoming Catholic.
This process of OCIA was established for the universal Church for individuals to become Catholic and receive the sacraments of initiation — Baptism, Confirmation, and the Eucharist. This initiation process also involves a parish community experiencing a renewal in faith as it prepares and welcomes new members into the Church. The Rite speaks of conversion as a “spiritual journey.” Centered on fostering a deep relationship with Jesus and the Church He founded, this journey takes place through distinct stages over a period
of time suitable to bring about a thorough catechesis, significant experience of the parish community, and commitment to the liturgical and moral life of the Catholic faithful.

Catechesis of the Good Shepherd (CGS)

CGS is a Montessori religious experience involving children and adults in which the religious values of childhood, primarily those values of contemplation and enjoyment of God, are predominant. This experience is shared in a place particularly prepared for the religious life of children called the Atrium. We currently offer Level I for children ages 3-6 and Level II for children ages 6-9, both weekday and weekend sessions.

Drexel Gala

The only fundraiser for the school, the Drexel Gala is a night of fine dining and celebration. The Drexel Gala is held in the fall and tickets can be purchased online.

Parish Picnics

Everyone from the parish is invited to attend both fall and spring picnics, celebrating our community and offering time for fellowship.

Santa Casa (Nursery)

In Santa Casa (ages 1-4), monthly thematic units explore topics
that foster creativity and develop independent learning skills while integrating foundational teachings of the Catholic faith. Activities support exploration and problem-solving, nurture independence, and provide many opportunities to develop not only age-appropriate social skills, such as cooperating, helping, and communicating in work and play, but also an understanding of their role in God’s family and awareness of the Church. Santa Casa is available Sundays for the 10 a.m. and noon Masses and for special events.

Silent Retreat

During Lent, a silent, guided retreat is offered for all parishioners beginning at 8 a.m. and ending at 3 p.m. This retreat is hosted by the Bethany Intercessors.

Stewardship Formation Retreat

Join HFC in a retreat focused on how to live a stewardship way of life. The parish retreat includes Mass, inspiring talks, time for quiet reflection, and small-group discussion.

Sunday Morning Video Series

Each Sunday at 9 a.m. in the Halpine Room, parishioners are invited to watch a video and have discussion pertinent to our faith. No preparation or registration is required.

Wednesdays at the Cathedral (Lent)

This adult faith formation offering will include snacks, wine and speaking with focus on topics ranging from prayer, Scripture, Church history, ethics, morality, etc. Important topics in our lives are discussed through the lens
of faith.

Work Days

Parish work days happen twice a year and are opportunities for parishioners to help beautify our campus. There are plenty of jobs for hands big and small.

Youth Group

For middle through high schoolers, the HFC Youth Group meets twice a month and consists of formational talks, mentorship groups, and authentic fellowship.