31 Saint Augustine of Hippo

31 Saint Augustine of Hippo
31 Saint Augustine of Hippo

31 Saint Augustine of Hippo

late 20th century, Artist: Nancy W. Oliphant, Size: 26 1⁄4” x 22”

This Icon written by Nancy Oliphant depicts St. Augustine of Hippo. In Addition to being one of the most prolific theologians during the late fourth and early fifth Century, St. Augustine was also the Bishop of Hippo Regius, a city in North Africa. In most icons of St. Augustine he wears the dress of a western Bishop.

In this icon he has been depicted wearing the dress of an Eastern Bishop. The scroll he is holding reads “Our heart is restless until it rests in you.” This is a quote of St Augustine from the first chapter of his work the Confessions in which he writes about his search for, and conversion to God.


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